Safety & Precautions for Covid-19

A message from Dr Ariakish

We wish to assure all patients that we are fully aware of the latest advice issued by Public Health England regarding the spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus and understand the growing concerns.

Please be assured that as a dental clinic we operate with the highest level of cross infection control, hygiene and cleanliness at all times. We will continue to uphold maximum levels of cross infection control and have taken the necessary precautions to ensure COVID-19 policies are in place.

We are open from Monday 8th June and seeing a limited number of patients per day. With everyone’s safety and well being in our mind, we have invested in the most up to date protective equipment to set a benchmark in the standards of patient care. From automatic air disinfectants to 80% alcohol hand gels and shoe covers , extractor suctions and many more improved ways to safeguard your health. We have worked hard to create a safe place for you to have your treatment with peace of mind.

A Covid-secure practice

✅All clinical staff have been tested for COVID-19 and the results are Negative.

✅All clinical staff wear the most up-to-date protective equipment to set a benchmark in the standards of patient care.

✅All dental equipment and surfaces are regularly cleaned, sanitised and covered to stop cross infection.

✅We take extreme measures to protect everyone.

✅We only see 4-8 patients/day in order to have enough time in between appointments for an exceptionally effective decontamination.

✅Only one patient at a time will be treated at the practice with at least 30 minutes space between each appointment.

✅The air will be continuously purified in each room and the reception area using state of the art filtering and disinfecting technology.

✅All clinical staff have been tested for COVID-19 and the results are Negative.

✅ We regularly test our waterlines within the practice to make sure there is no harmful bacteria.

Ensuring your safety

We ask that if you have returned from a Category 1 or 2 area in the last 14 days, or have been in contact with anyone with coronavirus that you contact the clinic prior to attending your appointment, even if you do not have any symptoms of infection.

When visiting us, we ask that you follow the PHE recommended guidance for the prevention of the spread of infection:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze and put used tissues in the bin straight away.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water often – use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
  • Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.

Check online at and at for advice on your travel and contact history and the latest COVID-19 information before attending your dental practice.

Book An Appointment


Call us on: 020 7372 7800


10 West Hampstead Mews


Opening Times

Monday: 9am-6pm
Tuesday: 8am-9pm
Wednesday: 8am-8pm
Thursday: 9am-6pm
Friday: 8am-6pm
Saturday: 8am-3pm
Sunday: Closed

020 7372 7800

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